I will list some known issues and bugs with the API here and some fixes for them
- Q: My text looks really weird and stretched out, how do I fix this?
A: The only fix to this is changing your window size or fullscreen and unfullscreening the window you have the website in. (An example of what you do is below, it is a very weird way so follow what I do exactly)
- Q: When I send a message, it does nothing, or says Failed to fetch, or says Network Response not OK
A: That is an issue with the API we are using, please wait a few hours and the bot should be back up, that is penguinmods job to upkeep not mine.
- Q: The apps block on my school computer, is there any alternative websites I could find this project on?

Have more questions? Put them in the Issues tab and I will include them here if they’re useful.